So a lot has happened in the past couple of months. The biggest thing worth mentioning is that I moved from my beloved little apartment into my beloved boyfriend's house. I loved that apartment, but I love my boyfriend more.
Since the end of April we've done a lot of work on the house: new drywall, removed carpeting, refinished hardwood floors (a glorious surprise under the carpeting!), painted, and more. I'm pretty sure we've got a great idea in a new series for HGTV entitled: DIY Therapy - Strengthening Relationships One Household Project at a Time. So far we could be the hosts (we have worked pretty well together) although I had a moment of utter frustration this weekend when I couldn't take it anymore (too much stuff - not enough space!) and crawled right into bed to ignore it all. I believe that moment had the makings for a great first episode.
Below is a sneak-peek photo of one of the many projects we tackled.
Needless to say there has been little time for crafting. I will post a couple of things I was able to sneak in between house projects.